Enterprise Theme

Опубликовано admin дата 20 сентября, 2010. Размещено в Themes, Web Design, WordPress

New WordPress theme from YOOtheme

Welcome Enterprise, our new April template. It comes with a very clean design, which perfectly fits for your website. Very easy to customize, this template will match your corporate or favourite colors in a breeze. It also includes new styles for the Twitter module, YOOcarousel and lists. Our new Enterprise template is perfect for creating a business-, news- or sports website. Find out more cool features of this cool template.

Let´s customize!

The Enterprise template can be customized to your corporate or favourite colors very easily. With changing only a few images you can change the look of the template and match it your design ideas very quickly. The overall simplistic, elegant and versatile design makes it a perfect match for your website.

Warp5 Framework

Off course this template is build with our Warp5 framework. Learn more about it on our Warp5 Website.

Get Enterprise and join the YOOtheme club today.

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Свежие комментарии

  • Mike

    22 сентября, 2010 |

    Congratulations for the wonderful work!

  • John Q. Public

    22 сентября, 2010 |

    Thank you guys!

  • Tom

    22 сентября, 2010 |

    I could not agree more 🙂

  • Dave

    22 сентября, 2010 |

    Warp 5.5 is quite simply the best theme framework around, and it’s great to know it is improving and developing further. Loving it!

  • Dave

    22 сентября, 2010 |

    Thanks guys, you offer awesome themes!