Posts Tagged ‘content application builder’

ZOO 2.1 final arrived

Опубликовано admin дата 28 июля, 2010. Размещено в Content Management, Web Development, WordPress

The wait is over… We are really excited to announce that ZOO 2.1 is FINAL. We release the new version of ZOO 2.1 and as promised everybody can download ZOO for free. Since the BETA release we have made quite a few changes and fixed all known bugs. You can find more in information in the changelog file of the download package.

ZOO 2.1 final arrived

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Свежие комментарии

  • Mike

    22 сентября, 2010 |

    Congratulations for the wonderful work!

  • John Q. Public

    22 сентября, 2010 |

    Thank you guys!

  • Tom

    22 сентября, 2010 |

    I could not agree more 🙂

  • Dave

    22 сентября, 2010 |

    Warp 5.5 is quite simply the best theme framework around, and it’s great to know it is improving and developing further. Loving it!

  • Dave

    22 сентября, 2010 |

    Thanks guys, you offer awesome themes!